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My name is Andy and I am a licensed Radio Amateur, or 'Ham'. If you don't know what one of those is and want to find out just click on the RSGB logo on the left panel. I am active only on HF at present, mostly DX and contests.

QSL CardIn 2014 I relocated to Lawshall, near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk but have yet to organise a new QSL card. In the meantime my old card is shown here from when I was living in Cambridge. Historic Cambridge is an internationally renowned university city. The picture shows King's College viewed from 'The Backs'. King's is one of the oldest Cambridge colleges, having been founded in 1441 by Henry VI. It is also Cambridge's premier tourist attraction, due above all to its spectacular perpendicular chapel. It took over a century to build and was completed in 1547.

This website journals various details about my station, projects and thoughts that might possibly be of interest to others. It was also an exercise in web design using open source tools - so don't expect too flashy a website! You will, however, need javascript enabled to see the navigation menus properly.

I am also a founding member of the Granta Contest Group.